"The Design Process" is our attempt at mapping various personal statistics throughout the design process. We're all familiar with those exciting moments of optimism and hopeless moments of pessimism.
Dear fellow architecture students, Last week, it felt unreal to be at the faculty with such an impressive group of students, tutors and architects. There were four days of online lectures and workshops and two days at the faculty for a competition. It has been far too long since we have had such an architectural event taking place.
In my early years as an international student, I held the conviction that, wherever I went, I would contribute to making my environment more diverse. My attitude, as I realised over the years, might have been overly-optimistic.
A 25 day diary of acceptance of how to live normal in this rapidly changing life. From being all locked-up to a social life with open terrasses. Read through my experience and decide yourself what normal is.