Jack Pilkington
The following text is an adaptation of a resarch paper, written by Jack for AC1 on the topic of space syntax in urban design. For the sake of brevity, it is published below in a shorter, reader friendly format.
Marco Fusco and Matthew Cook
In early November, Theo Deutinger led The Berlage Design Master Class, entitled "Living in Safe Mode: A Quest for the Essential." The premise of the master class was to identify the basic needs of a single person—housing, food, clothing, transportation, health, and education—in order to define a self-induced "safe mode" for humans. An exhibition of the results, entitled “Safe New World,” is currently on display in the Department of Architecture. Prior to this intensive fortnight, we had the opportunity to speak with Theo Deutinger. Overlooking the Alps, covered with the first snow of the year, he reflected upon his most recent work including the acclaimed Handbook of Tyranny and more recent Ultimate Atlas: Logbook of Spaceship Earth.
Federico Ruiz
I have known Xiaoyoue Shi for several months. His elaborate metaphors, accurate timing and confusing speech -conditions I want to believe we share- make him one of the most peculiar characters I have come to know during my BK days. Having the right person and lacking a decent idea for this article, I decided to work in a reverse order: instead of defining an interesting theme and then finding an interviewee, I decided to talk with an interesting man about anything and then elaborate on that. In this occasion, and for the sake of coherency, we discussed technology and the intricacies of digital space.
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