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The daily digital life, by Robert van Overveld.
It still feels like a small victory every
I resist the temptation. On average, people spend one-seventh of their
on their phone.
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Bnieuws edition 56/03. Published January 2023.
We set huge milestones which, this
for sure, will turn our life upside down - for the better! But at that
of self-imposed pressure, maybe we should stop letting go of our old habits, and instead let go of the judgment altogether?
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Your teacher and you, by Robert van Overveld.
In the first years in primary school, teachers had a hard
telling if I was a good student or not. I could occasionally be very bright in some areas, but sometimes I would fail at the same subject.
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Study Pressure at BK City, by Jan Pruszyński.
General questions asked about university degree, gender and travel
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Nah That Won't Happen Here Again, by Nathan Döding.
The Pax Romana is a perfect example of political stability in past
that seemed endless at the
, but proved unsuccessful in the end.
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Letting Go Of Enemies In Architecture, by Kevin Lai.
Nonetheless, I became fascinated with this idea of drawing out enemies to books, or literature, which lacks a material association now but rightfully so in Blades’
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Where is Ondo?, by Robert van Overveld, Ondo.
and place: May 14, 2020, 7:46 - 8:18 p.m. at Home. Ondo, there are a few other things I wanted to ask. You may recall what happened during spring 2020, the coronavirus that came into existence.
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pOthOles, by Jonathan Kaye.
As I transit, my encounters with cracks and bumps are not unexpected, isolated events, but a widespread, known obsolescence which comes with
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Podcast, Archi-Podcast, by Jan Pruszynski.
The most important quality of podcasts for me personally is how they let me optimise my
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The Paths That We Must Walk, by Chun Kit "CK" Wong.
Both interest and education added to my library of architectural marvels, and needless to say, by the
I had graduated from my bachelor’s degree, I realised I had to explore architectural feats all over the world.
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Shit it out for a Diploma, by Oliwia Jackowska .
Each of us knows a few people who decided to take some extra
for a reason, or it may even be something that affects you personally.
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The Sky is Not Blue, by Robert van Overveld.
Cleopatra used it as an eye-shadow and, in later
, painters used it as the colour of heaven and for the cloak of the Virgin Mary. Blue became linked with holiness but was, most of the
, still not considered a colour.
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The Realm of Toilets of the Bouwkunde, by Tuyen Le.
Here at the Bouwkunde, can you imagine spending your
in a 2 m2 space not only once but 5
a day? Yes, you can. I am talking about our bathrooms.
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A Crisis of Imagination, by Joost Hoepman.
And it doesn’t appear to be stopping any
soon. This bitter scientific reality has presented us with a vision of the future of ‘rebellion against extinction’ and of ‘do or die’.
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Shifting Utopias, by Federico Ruiz.
“I studied from 1950 until '58,” says Herman Hertzberger, 87, from his office in Amsterdam, “At that
, in the Faculty, there was still a sort of battle between the.
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Letter to Us Students at BK, by Kevin Lai.
! Anyhow, the semester is coming to an end too, and summer is near. I guess it feels right to get a bit reflective when it's near an end of sth. This issue of Bnieuws becomes a good prompt to start this introspection. Too personal?
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Interview: Michael van der Tas, by Michael van der Tas, Aimee Baars, Robert van Overveld.
How have you experienced this
at the faculty so far? Our team has been scaled down, we are only with 2-3 people present.
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Thing In Between My Eyebrows, by Zuza Sliwinska.
They appear on ever-wondering faces and, like in my case, come to their deepest around the
the year changes. Some of these are relatively small, barely noticeable cracks in otherwise confident and stable rocks.
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Cheap Labour...?, by Jonas Althuis.
"At the
, I thought it was a fair amount", a fellow student tells me, reflecting on an internship they did three years ago, "it was my first
getting a salary, so any amount of money was exciting.
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Hunting Witches, Devaluing Housework, by Maria Novas.
She worked full-
and did over-
too. And she still does, even if ‘retired’. She is part of the invisible workforce of (mainly) women in this world that continue to dedicate their lives to care work every day.
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Typology.exe, by Christopher Clarkson.
It has happened to myself many
where I’ve missed a bus stop because I wasn’t aware of my physical surroundings so much as I was of your digital ones – notifications, likes, comments, hearts, stories… Such a reduction of your physical awareness could
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Manifesting, by Jonas Althuis.
Despite the sometimes arrogant rhetoric that manifestoes are known for, they have a certain allure — the mystique of concisely capturing the thoughts about the current
, often accompanied by a declaration of what. must. happen, if the future of design
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Nature as a museum, by Bo Kuiper, Joep Merx & Martin Sitorus.
Especially in
of climate change, this should be questioned to stimulate new points of view. We have always used the term nature as a projection of our personal beliefs.
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Her Drawing, by Alessandro Rognoni & Oliwia Jackowska.
However, this
a common fascination, among students, towards drawings by female architects brought the chance to undertake a more collective research.
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Artefact: Rotring Artpen, by Lotte Dijkstra.
The pen has many imperfections: the ink from cheap refill cartridges blotches and staines, and does not combine with water colours at all, my hands are regularly stained, etchings on sketching paper take a disproportionally long
to dry, and the ink
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